Woman Fighting for Life Hopes to Meet Dolly Parton
For one special East Tennessee woman, having the chance to meet Dolly Parton means more than simply ‘getting to meet a celebrity.’ For Carolyn Basler, Dolly Parton is playing a huge part in her recovery process–and they’ve never met.
Carolyn is struggling with COPD, a disease that blocks airflow and causes difficulty breathing. Last week, she was taken to the hospital, and today–she’s becoming extremely popular around the world. Here’s why:
Carolyn has a very loving family that includes her 3 sons and 11 grandchildren. When she was admitted to the hospital, it was not a surprise that her family showed up to offer their love and support. But, according to an interview with local news station WATE, there was one person who didn’t show up at the hospital. But it was also this person who gave Carolyn the extra boost toward recovery–Dolly Parton.
Carolyn had been struggling for a few days, so her family thought it was best for her to do a little singing. As she started singing Dolly Parton’s song, “Silver and Gold,” her son recorded the song and posted it to Facebook. Since it was first posted, it has reached over 1 million views on Facebook and received thousands of shares and comments. Her story has touched many people all over the world, but Carolyn stands strong, saying there’s 2 simple things that will help aid her in recovery: her faith and her love for Dolly Parton.
Carolyn’s recovery is far from over, but she knows that Dolly’s songs will help get her through. Watch the full story in the video:
Carolyn hasn’t heard from Dolly just yet, so help us out by commenting below to give your well wishes to Carolyn. Maybe if Dolly sees all of the love and support, she’ll make Carolyn’s dream come true!
Dolly Parton is known all around the world for her generous contributions to individuals and communities. She recently announced her return to television with a new movie series on NBC, so we’re hoping she can make some time to meet Carolyn.
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