Trillium Gap Trail to Undergo Two-Year Rehabilitation Project
The Trillium Gap Trail is the next trail in the Great Smoky Mountains to get a makeover! The rehabilitation project will last 2 years and will affect the dates and hours the trail is open to the public. To help you plan your vacation, we’ve put together a guide to visiting the Trillium Gap Trail while it’s undergoing the rehabilitation project:
When Will the Trillium Gap Trail Be Open?
The rehabilitation of Trillium Gap Trail begins in May 2019. From May 6, 2019 through Nov. 14, 2019, the trail and its parking area will be closed from 7 a.m. on Mondays through 5:30 p.m. on Thursdays. It is open Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, as well as federal holidays. Work will resume in 2020.
Trails Forever Project
The rehabilitation of Trillium Gap Trail is made possible through the work of Trails Forever, which is a partnership of Friends of the Smokies and the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The goal of the project is to reconstruct high-use and high-priority trails. The improvements will increase the trail’s safety and provide a durable trail corridor. Other trails restored by the Trails Forever program include Rainbow Falls Trail, and the Alum Cave, Chimney Tops, and Forney Ridge Trails. The program itself funds a highly skilled work crew to reconstruct high-use and high-priority trails in the park and allows volunteers to work side-by-side with professional crews.
About the Trillium Gap Trail
The Trillium Gap Trail is one of the most popular trails in the national park! It crosses through an old-growth hemlock forest and even runs behind a waterfall. About 1.3 miles along the trail, you’ll reach Grotto Falls. This 25-foot waterfall creates the perfect environment for salamanders and summer hikers! Some hikers choose to turn around once they reach the falls, but the trail actually continues to Mount LeConte. If you want to see the third highest peak in the Smoky Mountains, continue along the trail for about 5.5 miles until you reach the summit of Mount LeConte! While the trail is closed, you can still hike to the summit along the Alum Cave Trail, Rainbow Falls Trail, Bullhead Trail, and Boulevard Trail.
More About Hiking in the Smoky Mountains
With more than 850 miles of trails, there are plenty of places to hike in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park while the Trillium Gap Trail is being restored. Each trail offers stunning sights, from waterfalls to panoramic mountain views. No matter what season you plan to hike, the scenery will be beautiful. Enjoy snow-covered mountaintops in the winter, wildflowers in the spring and summer, or fall foliage! If you’re hoping to see a waterfall, hike to Laurel Falls or Ramsey Cascades. If you want to make the trip to Mount LeConte, hike the Alum Cave Trail or the Rainbow Falls Trail.
When more details about the Trillium Gap Trail rehabilitation project are released, we’ll be the first to update you! In the meantime, check out our guide to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park to find out everything you can see and do while you’re in the Smoky Mountains.